Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Colton Boothroyd
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 5:19:33 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Colton was not in a good shape.

Bourdon was down for the count and his left arm was screaming in pain and wouldn't move. On top of that, he didn't even have anything to show for it. To say he had been humbled would be putting it mildly and a stark reminder he had a long way to go to get better at battling. But, if he could at least make it back to the rift, he could slip into Granite Cave and try to make his way back to Dewford to recover. In theory, it was an easy trip to make, especially with Lodestone helping him along from cover to cover. If there was one thing battling had taught him, it was that stealth was sometimes the better option.

Of course, this was all in theory. It was entirely possible that something could happen that would throw his escape plan right into teh trash. Whether it was facing off against another one of those Ultra Beasts, another Rocket attacking him, or if he somehow stumbled his way into the strange dream space that filled the Ultra Deep Sea, something he had yet to experience.

He tentatively reached up, touching the coral horn that had sprouted on his head. Supposedly, it and whatever other mutations that had occurred on his body would leave once he escaped the Ultra Deep Sea, but he had his doubts. By this point, Colton was very much operating on the principle of Murphy's Law.

OOC: Clash 1/3
50 MP (Participation), 10 MP (IC Post), 10 MP (Mutation)
Total: 70
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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 7:04:08 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar
Kouji stepped forward, his clothes were torn, blood dripped from his forehead, his cheeks, and everywhere else; he was a man who had been through the trenches. Fighting in ultra space was a strange phenomenon, and he was still here. His body felt like it was being parroted by someone else, it was like the blood formed into boils around him, or rather, it stopped falling and just turned into floating balls hovering at where his wounds were.
There was nothing else that he could do but to fight whatever he came across, like a man possessed, that was it. He had been through the trenches, his eyes looked tired; they drooped low. While his pokemon had been healed once, he hadn’t been, that was all there was to it as he stepped forward, keeping himself upwards. But even then, with all of that, he only had two of his boys left.
But there was another, a horn growing from his head. ”Looks like this place is every bit as cruel to you as it could be to anyone else, huh?” He said with a half smile, he looked more like a creature from another world than a man; his legs felt shaky as it was trying to change him. ”I wonder, which one of us is getting back through the crack there, nerd.”
That was what he said as he went towards his pokeballs.







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april 15
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 12:42:18 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
A voice cut through the empty air, calling Colton out and challenging him, because of course something had to happen. At this point, he didn't even feel nervous, at least, not to an overwhelming degree. If anything, he was just frustrated. Frustrated that the world just seemed extremely keen on kicking him while he was down. He knocked his forehead against one of Lodestone's magnets as it rotated the pair of them to face the source.

Colton stared at the man who had called him out for a moment, almost confused at the sight. He seemed to be even worse off than Colton was, clothes torn, blood dripping all around him, and fatigue clear on his face and body, looking as if he was about to fall over at the slightest breeze. "Is this really necessary? It looks like you've been beat up even worse than I have in here," he said, electing to let go of his Magneton to avoid losing the use of his other arm to a wayward attack, moving down to stand on a nearby floating platform.

His eyes narrowed as the other man's hand suddenly moved towards his Pokéballs. "Warning shot," Colton ordered, his Magneton making a mechanical cry of confirmation. At each one of its heads, an individual element formed before coming together, a TRI ATTACK forming and shooting just over the other man's shoulder, just close enough to feel the heat, cold, and static of the beam on his body.

"The next one doesn't miss. Just walk away," he warned, though inwardly, Colton wasn't sure he could make that decision. If an attack like that hit center mass, he could very well kill the guy, but he couldn't let that doubt show on his face. Any sign of hesitation and he would certainly call Colton on his bluff, which would only drag out a fight neither of them seemed really fit to partake in.

OOC: Clash 1/3
10 MP (IC Post)
Total: 80
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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 20:13:40 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji couldn’t really disagree; he felt like shit, but there was an enemy in front of him, and that meant a fight. It really didn’t matter how much he wanted to sleep right now, he just didn’t want to sleep in this place. He was changing and it was changing him, the terrors just didn’t stop, and he wanted nothing else but to get rid of this, to avoid this entirely. ”I…Don’t care.” Was his answer just moments before the pokemon move sailed past his head.


It was warm, cold, and yet it made every hair he had stand on end; it made him narrow his eyes, to take in a deep breath before he called to his pokemon just as he lowered himself, his arm going to his pocket and then he jumped to the side, just in case another move came; throwing it out there, came his Absol who released a cry, worse for wear but even more annoyed than Kouji was.


That was all that something like this could come down to, battles and clashes, a battlefield was a place that was built up from such matters, a foundation made from the corpses of dreams, and the corpses of men. For neither to end up that way, a fight was needed, for the sake of their life and for the sake of their ego. Kouji’s ego needed both, that was why Absol stood there, poised and ready like a blade, his blade. The pokemon howled before it charged forward into battle, its horn glowing for a moment before it went into the deepest of darkness, a black as dark as the night, carrying nothing but evil intentions.


Evil intentions, the most basic thing needed in order to create a battlefield.







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april 15
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 21:09:20 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Colton grimaced as the man, without hesitation, called his Absol out of its ball, though it looked is just as bad a shape as its trainer. Whatever this guy had been through, it had clearly been a lot, but his behavior seemed...odd. Almost as if he had little care for the state of his own being, the state of his Pokémon, and the state of just where he was in the first place. It was like the world didn't exist, save for Colton and Lodestone being right in front of him.

The Absol roared, its fangs bared and its expression filled with all sorts of foul emotions, which seemed to have transferred into the horn on its head as it charged directly towards Lodestone. Colton grit his teeth as he weighed his options for a response. This entire night had been a trial by fire, honing his skills against the harshest whetstone imaginable, but uncertainty on the right move still remained. Did he just commit to the potential knockout or try and hinder the Absol to secure it instead? He gritted his teeth together as the time to decide grew short, finally settling on a decision that he felt his opponent would appreciate.

All or nothing.

"Flash Cannon!" he shouted. Lodestone warbled out its mechanical cry again as the Magneton split up its parts, each individual Magnemite directed its magnets to the center of the group, energy collecting until a large ball of solid light shot forward, aiming to slam itself into the approaching Absol.

OOC: Clash 1/3
10 MP (IC Post)
Total: 90
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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 21:31:04 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji was surprised at the option the person in front of him had taken; or rather, he hadn’t seen a Magneton in action before. ”Charge through Absol, see just how sharp you sword is.” He told his pokemon as he charged, Absol didn’t give any sign of acknowledgment beyond continuing its charge.
But that was the truth of it, the silver ball which continued to grow in intensity blasted forward in an intense flash, carving its way forward through the landscape. It was an attack, a force of nature that existed for the strange creatures known as pokemon to express their power. But that was true of the blade on the forehead of the Absol too which grew as it ducked, lowered its head, and slashed at the beam, but rather than cutting through it, his horn had gotten lodged and he was forced backwards, clashing against the beam with his horn; being pressed, his feet sliding across the floor, and leaving red trails as it was rubbed raw by the intense attack.
Until it exploded, sending smoke, dust,and rocks in every direction, an action preceded by the shockwave. Absol stood there, blood dripping from where his horn connected with his skull; the dark intensity gone, but it knew now not to understimate his foe, Kouji too. ”You might be a nerd, but your pokemon sure are strong. Guess this will be more fun than I thought.” He answered as he pointed at the Magneton.
”Charge, close the distance, and don’t give it time to let out another one of those.” So Absol did as commanded, going forward, each step was quicker than the last as he built up momentum, its red eyes glowed in the dull light of this space, his mind computing the futures that it saw; the overlayed futures so that it could avoid the very next strike. Detect, born from the innate ability of this pokemon to see the future, so he could close the space.







[newclass=".gunstest6"]--accent:#ACDD70;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]

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april 15
mauville city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 22:20:57 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
"Dammit..." Colton muttered under his breath. The Absol was still standing, but it was clearly hurting from the attack. One, maybe two more attacks could finally bring it down, but this time he couldn't leave it up to chance. He need to slow this Absol down and let Lodestone hammer it with everything it had. Maybe that would be enough to get this guy to back off, though a small voice in the back of his head told him the only get away would be to defeat every Pokémon he had.

He had to hope against hope for that to be the case, though. A drawn out slug fest was the last thing he wanted to deal with at the moment.

Colton narrowed his eyes, but didn't offer a response to the guy's comment. It was just another remark about how he was weak or unintimidating or a pushover and responding angrily to such comments had already gotten him burned once that night. He need to keep his cool and stay focused, particularly on the Absol that was now charging back towards his Magneton, its eyes glowing as red as the blood that stained its white fur.

"Stop it in its tracks." Electricity sparked across Lodestone's body, readying its THUNDER WAVE for the exact right moment when Absol was too close to dodge out of the way. Little did he know the surprise that lay in store.

OOC: Clash 1/3
10 MP (IC Post)
Total: 100
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August 29th
5'11'' height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 10, 2023 22:42:53 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji felt confident in Absol, his first partner; the one he had been with the longest, ever since that trip, the tall grass that cut sight from everything, seeing that creature standing tall; yet glaring down on him, a child. It was the closest to death he had ever been, but at the same time it had been imprinted in his mind, the moon half obscured by the clouds and that glinting horn as it leapt.


That pokemon gave him a glimpse of that majesty in that moment, his eyes flashed, as if the futures it saw overlapped into a singular result as it leapt last minute, dodging the thunder wave as it leapt, flipping in the air as the darkness coalesced around his horn; his back was facing to the magneton for only a second as it spun in the air, and soared towards the floor, a fall of it’s own choice as it threw forward the Night Slash as if to send the pokemon back down to the earth.








[newclass=".gunstest6"]--accent:#ACDD70;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 2:17:51 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Colton's eyes went wide as the Absol gracefully leapt over Lodestone at the literal last second, completely dodging the Thunder Wave. It was like it had seen it happen before it ever did, using that window to give itself the optimal position to swing a Night Slash right into his Magneton's back.

His Pokemon cried out in pain, the connected Magnemite breaking apart and rolling across the ground in a daze. Slowly, their magnetic pull eventually made them attach back to themselves with metallic clanks before the conjoined Pokemon floated back up off the ground. Even if it weren't as practiced for battle, Lodestone was a tough one, its three eyes glaring at the Absol as static began to build up around it again. Colton recognized the site, taking a leap to float upwards to a platform higher off the ground.

With another cry that almost sounded like laughter, the electricity building up across the Magneton's body DISCHARGED, fill the area around it with a pulse of electricity. There was a clear look in Lodestone's eyes as it stared the bloodied Absol down.

"Dodge this."

OOC: Clash 1/3
10 MP (IC Post)
Total: 110
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August 29th
5'11'' height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrjoker
Kouji Matsubara
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 3:05:40 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Kouji was impressed, Magneton took that attack well; it might have looked like it separated for a moment causing Absol to look almost smug; but then it returned back to normal. A magnetic pokemon huh? That was interesting to begin with, but all that meant was that the battle would be going on even longer.


Absol nodded and waited to see what his opponent would do next, but the moment he saw the energy discharge; he knew that had been a mistake; his trainer would be fine at a distance but he only had one move to use against his opponent. Standing in front of him,


He dashed forward, trying to close the step; there was another move it could use at that moment but he wouldn’t make it in time. It was better to take the attack, then charge through; he knew that it would be a close one if he did, but it would be the moment in which he could push through his maximum.


He took charge properly, that was met with a howl of pain; his muscles seized up; it singed his fur, the shock caused his blood to flow freely one more time. But it attacked again; a horn based attack using all of the rage it had within itself.


It sucked the light into itself, turning darker and darker as the electricity coursed through it; he jumped forward, pointing his horn as all of muscles locked into place right as he charged forward, the sharp horn in front of him that looked as strong as it could be even if the body behind it was being pushed to the very edge.







[newclass=".gunstest6"]--accent:#ACDD70;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 4:17:29 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
This damn Absol was a tenacious one, pushing right through Lodestone's electric field with all its might. And, as tough as his Magneton was, it had already been drained pretty significantly by an encounter with a Nihilego earlier. The pair clashed together, a bright flash filling the space as the Absol's darkened horn connected with Lodestone's body.

Once again, the three Magnemite burst apart, landing on the ground and, once again, their magnetic pull made them reassemble into a single being. However, this time, Lodestone did not rise from the ground. It had been knocked out cold, its three eyes rolling around listlessly. "Dammit..." Colton muttered, pulling out Lodestone's Pokéball and recalling him. At least, his efforts hadn't been in vain. The Absol was incredibly weak and he was certain there wasn't much gas left in the Pokémon's tank.

Colton pulled his next Pokeball from his belt, releasing his Mawile out onto the field. Once out, Twoey stood with her back turned to the Absol, glaring at it from over her shoulder and making sure to give it full view of the massive jaws growing from the back of her head, all the while chewing on a small stalk of bamboo.

"Play Rough!" Colton shouted from his raised platform, to which Twoey quickly responded. She crouched low before launching herself at the Absol backwards, her massive jaws snapping with excitement.

OOC: Clash 1/3
10 MP (IC Post), 50 MP (Pokemon Knockout)
Total: 170
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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 4:37:42 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

To say it was a solid victory would be to lie, Kouji was aware of that fact as well as one could be; but Absol was exhausted after that, he had taken too much damage and needed time to lick his own wounds. That was why it had used detect the moment that pokemon rushed forward towards him, jumping over it but almost collapsing into the floor; his muscles were still spasming. Kouji sighed and recalled it.
”It can’t be helped, you’re up Scraggy.” He shouted as he brought out his buddy, it was a good case; it was strong, but more than anything; it was the only one who had a chance in this encounter. That typing was rough for him, and while Deino was strong, he couldn’t trust that dragon to actually see to the battle itself.
That was why Scraggy charged forward, looking to do battle properly, hopping on his feet and seeking out the victory in front of him. It was a definite battle, a battle of confidence, but that was why the opening move was important. He charged forward, low to the ground, and then finally sliding at approach to try and land his Low Kick. Making a yell that came from the base of his throat to try and hit.







[newclass=".gunstest6"]--accent:#ACDD70;font:12px Poppins;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".gunstest6 .body"]background-image:url("");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:.2px;line-height:18px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".gunstest6 .credit"]width:100px;background-color:#232323;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Colton Boothroyd
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 13:05:04 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Twoey let out a grumble of annoyance as the Absol leapt high over her head, though her mood quickly shifted as it collapsed to the ground moments later. She looked back to its trainer, sticking her tongue out teasingly as he released his Scraggy. Mawile, unperturbed by this new opponent, rather cockily made a “come at me” gesture with one hand. Despite the brashness of the baby ever coming off as overconfidence, she was doing it to make sure the Scraggy wouldn’t be pulling any crafty tricks to dodge her attacks.

Twoey swung her giant jaws around as the kick connected with her side, teeth snapping together as they went to enclose themselves around the Scraggy. She winced in pain from the blow but her cocky grin stayed resolute as she jumped upwards with the other Pokémon trapped in her horn’s grasp. Thanks to the altered gravity, her sailed higher than normally possible, rotating to land against the bottom of a floating platform before pushing off and launching herself back towards the ground.

As the Mawile fell, she began to spin in the air, using the weight of her horn and the Scraggy in its grasp to increase the speed of her rotation before hurling the Scraggy back towards the earth in a SEISMIC TOSS, landing gently moments later.

OOC: Clash 1/3
10 MP (IC Post), 10 MP (Knocked out opponent’s Pokémon)
Total: 190
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August 29th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 21:33:42 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

Scraggy had ended up in the maw of Mawile; it was a strong pokemon; simply struggling against it caused the teeth to to begin to sink into his flesh; it was harsh, a tough grip he couldn’t get out of even when he knew what was to come, to be slammed down as hard as possible; he didn’t like it, disliked it even.
It was a crash, an explosion of force that sent rocks everywhere; scattering them into the air and kicking up a dust cloud; the coughs of an animal echoed before it cleared up; cuts and bruises from the crash itself as it was slammed, a seismic toss, a fighting type move that hit super hard.
That was why it had no choice but to take the move it had taken now, to charge forward with a strike that was natural to itself, shadowy emanations bounded off from him; four of them taking up various different shapes, before they formed into that of his other pokemon, and then they charged forward; opting for various different strikes on the poor Mawile, getting ganged up on by shadowy pokemon.







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april 15
mauville city
47 height
47 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
132 posts
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TAG WITH @mrcamm
Colton Boothroyd
Throw Him in the Locker (POSTDORMITUM)
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 4:45:13 GMT
Colton Boothroyd Avatar
Twoey was still grinning cockily as the Scraggy lifted itself out of the crater she had thrown him in, wiping off a bit of dust that had gotten on her arm. Yet, despite taking quite the heavy blow, it seemed far from down, already readying it's next attack. The Mawile snickered seeing it charge towards her, already readying her giant jaw for a counter attack, only to be caught off guard by the sudden appearance of four shadowy shapes that resembled other Pokémon.

The first blow connected with her middle, making Twoey stumble back as the rest of the shadows set in on her, their blows pummeling her into a ball on the ground. Individually, the attacks didn't deal all that much damage, but the volume of attacks was proving to be overwhelming for the Mawile, up until one attack cracked her across the face, making her spit the shoot of bamboo out of her mouth.

Surprise turned to anger and, with one powerful cry, Twoey's horn swung around, pushing the shadows away and leaving the path to the Scraggy open for her. True malice was visible on her face as she launched herself the short distance to tackle the other Pokemon, dust kicking up around her. Her blows came fast and hard, though they appeared more like PLAYFUL ROUGHHOUSING instead of attacks.

OOC: Clash 1/3
10 MP (IC Post)
Total: 200
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